Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the reality of the world

well they say that when u r unhappy, u write it out....in this cae...u blog it all out!!!! well 4 me....i dont really knows wat i feel now, partly amazed, partly disappointed....

this is because no matter hopw hard u defend your ideas and actions, there are people who look at u with a biasness in their eyes....and no matter how hard u try to convince them that u r not 'EVIL' that they said u r, hell they wont listen to a damn word u say.....that is how realistic these people are....and im not saying that im not like them, but at least i know how to respect other people's ideas .... at least in front of them....i do not act it out.....dats called manners.....god how do their parents teach them to behave like that?????!!!!!

just as dis is not worse enough 4 me, wat reli amaze me is even those people who knows me very well....they did the same thing!!!! when things dont go their way, and at that time u voice up something, a suggestion or idea, hell ya u will get it!!!! they will treat u like an alien, who jz got into this house of pain....i mean...y do people cant just take 1 step back and try to look at the big picture for a moment??? they jump to conclusion too fast.....and hell they defend their own ideas!!! which is illogical at all.....

ah.....i know that these words might not sound real to u guys out there but is all up 2 u to believe it or not.....u can comment and condamn these ideas....u r all welcome to do so.....bcoz I CANT CHANGE YOUR MIND.....and I HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO TOO!!!!!

some of u might think that im out of my mind, perhaps i am....well then again, maybe is just that i am through with this world, i see the real face of humans, i been through all the insults and humaliation...and the emotional and psychological torture that some of us went through....no one will understad that!!!! maybe i am just disappointed of the world.......

Friday, November 10, 2006

finally blogging again....

well is been 6 months since i last lay my busy fingers on my laptop and start typing more than a thousands word for an informal journal....which is blogging....well lets just say that life has consume myself a lot...ever since my last holiday to thailand....this time the vacation to johor bharu is really different from what it has been a fantastic thailand trip.....i keep asking myself why is this happening???

surprisingly, the answer is really unpredictable, i found that myself actually have look at life in a different prospective. life is so fragile, therefore we human must always be prepare to face everyday life. it can be either really good or really bad....it will just happen....forget about all those sad stuff....in fact we should focus more on the happy side of life...what really makes a man happy? is it money? partner? time? properties? watching another man fails? or perhaps the simplest yet the most difficult to maintain thing, family? i will leave it here....because every man has different needs....and what they define as happiness varies across culture and religion....